LINE Custom Integration

The LINE Custom integration makes it possible to subscribe to a channel as recipients your own LINE bots. This allows you to expand the capabilities of the standard receiving channel: for example, to brand notifications and to adapt the service to business needs.

Options for setting up LINE Custom integration and connecting LINE bots:

For personal use

Processing by Notify.Events bot

This option is suitable if you do not need complex functionality, and the main goal is the instant delivery of notifications in LINE to a limited circle of subscribers (colleagues, family members).

You won't be able to assign additional functions to the bot, but you will be able to apply standard Notify.Events commands and add the bot to group chats.

In this case, Notify.Events processes all incoming messages, and your bot only delivers notifications to the chat. To start receiving notifications, subscribers need to add the bot to their contacts on their own and send a command to subscribe to the channel.