How to register a Notify.Events account?

Notify.Events offers a 30-day free trial for all new users. It is activated automatically after registering an account. During this period, you can try all the paid features of the service and then decide which plan suits you best.

To sign up and start getting your notifications sent from anywhere to anyone, go to the Sign in / Sign up page in any convenient way.

  1. In the Registration block, fill in the required fields Login, E-Mail, Password, and click in the checkboxes to confirm your agreement with the terms of use of the service and that you are not a robot. If your friend shared their personal code with you, enter it in the Referral code field.
  2. After filling in all the fields, click on the Register button.
  3. Once you get a confirmation email, follow the link to complete registration and start using the service.
Notify.Events registration email

If the email does not arrive within an hour, check your Spam folder.

Now that you have registered a Notify.Events account, you can proceed to setting up a service to receive your first notification.