Delayed Sending

Last month we released a new feature - delayed message sending. In this article, we will tell you in more detail what delayed, or scheduled, sending is, when you can use it, and how to set it up.

In this article:

What is delayed message sending?

Delayed sending of messages in Notify.Events is a function of scheduling a notification to be sent again after 1, 5, 10, or 15 minutes, but to a different recipient. The next message will be sent if within the specified time the recipient does not press the special action button in the messenger.

The feature makes it even harder to miss important notifications. It is enough to set delayed messages or calls to other subscribers.

When is delayed sending useful?

Delayed sending will come in handy when the SMS was not enough and you need to "wake up" the responsible employee with a voice call. In addition, this feature allows you not only to be sure that all important messages will always be noticed, but also to save your budget by using the paid option of voice calls / SMS when there is a real need for it. Let's look at a couple of examples of use cases:

Use case 1

It is important for you that all important messages are read and responded to as soon as possible.

For example, if you have a WordPress store, the terms of processing applications and lead time is undoubtedly important to you. After all, any delay can negatively affect sales. The customer can simply prefer competitors if they turn out to be faster.

With the function of delayed messages, you can set up sending a new order notification to another manager or the head of the sales department if the assigned employee does not respond to it within 10-15 minutes.

So all important messages from customers, requests and changes in order status will be processed as soon as possible, and the online store will be able to improve the quality of customer service and conversion.

Use case 2

Not only is it important for you to receive notifications quickly, but also to save your budget.

Let us describe this case using the example of an IT company engaged in the development and administration of sites. When you run multiple sites at the same time, keeping track of all the crashes and errors is not so easy. Especially if they happen at night.

The solution will be to set up sending a voice call, which is much more difficult to miss, with a delay of 5-10 minutes. The system administrator will receive a call with information about the failure, only if they don’t notice the notification in the messenger during this time.

So delayed sending will help you find a compromise between delivery speed and budget saving, since paid voice calls or SMS will be used only at critical moments.

How to set up delayed sending?

Just like filtering messages, delayed sending is configured on the subscription configuration screen in your Control Panel. To get to this screen, first go to the channel management screen, in the Recipients section, select the desired recipient and click on the recipient's name or on the Edit button.

Scroll to the bottom of the screen to the Send if no response line. Select the desired grace period from the drop-down list: 1, 5, 10 or 15 minutes. Click the Save button.

Delayed sending - Notify.Events

Now the notification will be sent to the recipient only after a specified time interval and only if the action (as a rule, this is a click on the special OK button in the chat) is not applied in the chat of the original recipient.

Action button in Telegram - Notify.Events

By default, all recipients have the Send immediately option. This means that all recipients for which you have not configured scheduled sending will automatically receive notifications instantly. Each channel can have several such recipients. Likewise, if a channel has more than two subscriptions, you can assign multiple recipients for delayed sending.

Example 1

Let's go back to our online store example. In this case, you can configure sending notifications about the order to the manager in Slack, and after 15 minutes - to the senior manager or executive in the same Slack, Rocket Chat, Microsoft Teams or any other convenient messenger.

Another option is to send an instant message to the responsible employee in a private chat, and if there is no response within 10 minutes, to the group chat of managers so that other employees can pick up and process the request.

Example 2

In the case of a system administrator, you can do the following: set up sending a message to Telegram and / or Signal without delay, assign an SMS notification after 5 minutes, and a voice call after 10 minutes.

If the system administrator responds to a message in any of the selected messengers within 10 minutes, the SMS and the call will not be sent. If during this time they don’t see the message and don’t press the confirmation button in the chat, the SMS will be sent. After that, the recipient will have a few more minutes to take the action and thereby cancel the sending of the voice call.

If you're just getting started with Notify.Events, be sure to check out the Getting Started block of articles in our Help Center. There you can get acquainted with the service, choose the right subscription plan, find out how to get your first notification, invite team members and set up filtering.

Margarita Ramsten | Jun 13, 2021 Share it: