Release 2019.11

Chat actions

From now on, the source developing panel allows you to implement the "action buttons" that will be displayed in the subscriber’s chat, if this type of subscriber supports it. At the moment, the buttons allow two types of reactions to user actions:

  • Synchronous call to the remote address specified in the "action" configuration (the URL is called from the context of the service, not the user);
  • Asynchronous check of the "action" applying status (when creating a chat message, the identifier is passed to the source-service, and then you can use it to get the name of the applied action)

Currently, only one action per message is allowed.

Levels and priority of messages

Now you can define priority for each source (highest, high, normal, low, lowest) and set the level for messages (detailed, info, notification, warning, error). Also now you can choose which messages you want to get for each specific target when subscribing. For example, you can set that you want to receive only high-level messages via SMS and use e-mail for the rest.

E-Mail subscription
SMS subscription (

You can easily start getting a free(!) SMS notifications, all you need to do is sign up on service, and pass through a simple integration. More details

Web-push subscription in your browser
Nov 3, 2019 Share it: