Notifications for eCommerce

Every day, the services and apps we use generate tons of notifications. Your online store is no exception. As a rule, alerts about events on the site are sent by email. In rare cases, the ecommerce platform may offer a couple more notification options.

But what if you want to receive alerts instantly and in a convenient format? For example, mobile text alerts in Telegram or via SMS. This is where notification services come into play.

In this article, we’re figuring out what notification services are and how they can improve your business performance:

What is a Notification Service?

You can call it a notification service, notification system, notification engine, notification tool, or alert solution. The meaning is still the same. Such software delivers notifications from one or several source services to different channels.

It allows you to redirect event notifications to Telegram, Slack, push, SMS, etc. As a result, once a certain event occurs in your online store, the responsible employees receive instant notifications in the specified way.

How Can a Notification Service Help Online Businesses?

Events taking place on a website often require a quick reaction. If a timely response (e.g. a callback) is not received, the client may move to faster competitors. Therefore, built-in email notifications are not the most reliable way - they are often not immediately noticed, and then lost in a mountain of other mailings. That’s how you lose clients.

Notification services give e-commerce platforms a solution to this problem. They help notify team members about online store events in the most convenient way. Sales managers, warehouse employees or a sales director - with mobile alerts, they will always be in the know and able to quickly resolve the issue. This, in turn, will let your business be more customer-focused and close more sales.

Here’s what kind of alerts you can trust to a notification system:

  • Order Notifications

Number of orders is the most important indicator of business success. Real-time order notifications won't let you miss a single one. Get alerted about new orders and order status changes.

  • Stock Notifications

Stock alerts or inventory alerts are just as important. They will help you find out in time about low stock. This way you will be able to prepare a new batch in advance and meet customer demand. You can also set up notifications when goods are out of stock or on backorder.

  • Payment Notifications

Notifications of paid orders will help you move the items to the shipping stage faster. It means your customers will receive goods earlier, and you will improve the user experience.

  • User Activity Notifications

Tracking user comments and questions on the site and responding to them without delay can not only improve the reputation of your business, but bring more orders as well. For some businesses, it may also be important to keep track of new registrations and logins quickly.

  • Contact Form Notifications

Another way potential buyers interact with you is through contact forms. Submitted forms may contain important questions regarding products, shipping, payment method, etc., a callback request, or even a new application. That’s why it’s so important to get instant alerts about such events.

Introducing the Notify.Events Notification Service

Notify.Events is a great notification solution for e-commerce. It helps online business owners manage multi-channel notifications and notify employees. All with no programming skills.

The filtering feature allows you to distribute alerts among responsible team members by work schedule, type and priority of messages. Moreover, employees can independently choose a convenient receiving channel - from their favorite chatting app to SMS and voice calls. Group chat notifications are also available to alert the entire team or department at once.

eCommerce Platforms Supported

Let's see which e-commerce platforms are supported out-of-the-box:

  • WordPress + WooCommerce

Notify.Events offers a WordPress notification plugin. It supports not only user activity notifications from WordPress-based sites and blogs, but also WooCommerce order notifications and notifications from Contact Form 7, WPForms and Ninja Forms.

You can easily set up WordPress push notifications, contact form alerts to Telegram, WooCommerce advanced notifications to SMS, and more.

  • OpenCart

OpenCart notifications also work via a plugin. Set up once and always get notified about new OpenCart orders and order status changes, new users, returns, and out-of-stock products.

  • Wix

To receive Wix notifications, you must have Wix Stores Plugin installed. Once everything is configured, you will be able to get alerts every time a customer makes a purchase or submits a form.

Recipient Tools Supported

Currently Notify.Events offers 50+ notification channels:

Notify.Events Recipients .png
  • Messengers

Telegram, Viber, Slack, Discord, Rocket.Chat, etc.

WordPress notification via Notify.Events.png
  • Push-notification apps

Notify.Events apps for Android and iOS, Pushbullet, Pushsafer, Wirepusher, etc.

  • Web push notifications

Google Chrome notifications

  • SMS and SMS apps

SMS, Twilio, ClickSend, SimpleTextin, Plivo, Threema, etc.

  • Voice calls and call apps

Voice calls, Twilio, ClickSend

  • Email

The service offers a free plan. Plus, you will automatically get a 30-day free trial with 300 notifications and advanced features completely free (no bank card needed)!

Margarita Ramsten | Mar 14, 2023 Share it: