Notify.Events Android App

Notify.Events for Android is our own client app for receiving push notifications.

How does the app work?

All notifications coming from sources are processed by the Notify.Events service itself, and the app acts as a recipient, triggering push notifications on your Android device. Therefore, in order to use the application, you must already have an active Notify.Events account and a created channel.

Read more about how to create and set up a channel here.

App features

The functionality of the application is not limited to short push messages. By going into the application itself, you can also:

  • see a list of notifications received,
  • view the full text of each notification,
  • follow the links included in the notification,
  • download attached files and images.

There is no additional fee for using the app - you pay only for the Notify.Events subscription (if you use a paid plan).

The app supports:

  • sending text links,
  • sending files and images - up to 5 pcs. in a message, <2 MiB each,
  • actions in the chat in the form of a link.

Technical requirements

Notify.Events for Android works on any Android device with firmware version 5.1 or higher.

App interface

The Channels screen is the main screen of the app. A list of all the channels you have subscribed to is displayed here. You can return here from any screen by clicking on the Channels button in the lower-left corner. The Subscribe button allows you to add new channels, the Settings button - go to the app settings, click on the channel name - to get deeper into a specific channel - the Messages screen. A red number in the channel line indicates the number of unread messages.

14 Android app Main screen.png

The Messages screen, or channel screen, contains a list of all messages received on that channel since you started using the app. A red circle means that the message has not been read yet. The buttons in the upper right corner will help mark all messages read at once and delete the selected messages. When you click on the notification line, you will be taken to the message screen.

15 Android app Messages screen.png

The message screen contains the full text of the received notification, links, and all attached files/images. You can follow the active text link, view images and files right from here.

16 Android app Message screen.png

The Settings screen allows you to make additional settings for notifications. The All Notify.Events notifications toggle disables/enables the receipt of all notifications to the app. The toggles below next to the Highest, High, Normal, Low, Lowest lines - notifications with certain priority levels. The levels correspond to the priority levels from the service interface. Allow notification dot toggle - notification icon.

17 Android app Settings screen.png

Clicking on a level name allows you to go deeper to customize alert modes. Here you can disable/enable the display of notifications of this level, set a personal sound, enable/disable the silent mode, set up receiving push notifications on the unlocked screen and in the “Do not disturb” mode, select the vibration and even backlight mode - depending on the capabilities of the smartphone.

18 Android app level settings screen.png

How to set up receiving push notifications through the app?

  1. Download the app from Google Play.
  2. 19 Download Google Play.png
  3. On the screen of the desired channel, click the Subscribe button in the Recipients section.
  4. 20 Subscribing.png
  5. On the Channel subscription screen that opens, click on the Android card.
  6. 21 Choosing Android.png
  7. Copy the token.
  8. 22 Android Token .png
  9. In the app, click the Subscribe button.
  10. 23 Android app - suscribe.png
  11. Paste the copied token into the field and click the Subscribe button.
  12. 24 Android app - insert token.png
  13. Done! The added channel should be displayed on the main screen of the application, and the recipient with the name of your Android device should appear in the list of recipients on the channel screen in your N.E account on the website.

Now, as soon as a new message arrives, you will receive a push notification to your device. By clicking on the pop-up, you will go to the app and see the full text of the received notification.

25 Android notification.png

If you want to receive notifications on several of your Android devices, you need to connect each of them separately. To do this, in each of them you need to subscribe to the desired channel by entering your personal token. The number of channels for subscription is not limited.

Through the Control panel on the Notify.Events website, you can customize the subscription (as with any other recipient): enable/disable sending notifications to the app, set the priority types and levels of notifications you want to receive, set time parameters and delayed sending. To do this, after setting up the app, go to the channel screen and click on the desired recipient or the Edit button to go to the subscription customization screen.

1 Приложение iOS экран конфигурации подписки.png